Butterflies of Europe and the Tropics
NORTH-EAST GREECE, THRACE & MACEDONIA, with David Dennis 6 - 14 April 2022, based first in Alexandroupoli and then Drama
Photos shown in chronological order

Holly Blue, the first butterfly of the trip, seen here at a Snack Bar near Exochi on 6 April

Gruner's Orange-tip, female, a half-way break in the journey near Karkadia towards Alexandroupoli

Gruner's Orange-tip, a grab-shot at Karkadia

Common Blue, also at Karkadia

Common Blue, the same male as in the previous photo, lacking the cell-spot

first seen at Karkadia but widespread throughout the trip

Clouded Yellow, Karkadia

known for the False Apollo, 7 April

False Apollo, female, #1 target seen immediately upon arrival

False Apollo, the previous photo cropped further

False Apollo, male, seen more frequently than the evasive female

False Apollo, another male

another photo

Brown Argus

Grecian Copper, male

Grecian Copper, female

mating pair of Grecian Coppers

False Apollo, another female, crash-landing for a brief moment

Southern Festoon

Green-veined White

Orange-tip on anemone

the same butterfly on lichen

and now resting

Ancient relic Oriental Plane trees on the way to the second site of the day

also known for False Apollo

Eastern Festoon, the only individual seen on the trip as light rain fell

Eastern Festoon, as in the previous photo

Speckled Wood

Green Hairstreak

another Green-veined White

Wood White

and derelict wagons

Eastern Dappled White, seen at the disused station site

up from Makri harbour on 8 April

Swallowtail in mint condition

(didn't get to see him)

Scarce Swallowtail, also in great condition

Large White, male

Eastern Bath White

Eastern Bath White, the same insect

Nettle-tree, somewhat worn

Clouded Yellow, female, in all probability form helice

common on the scrubby, stony hillsides on an aborted visit near Mesimvria

returned to on 9 April on a beautiful Spring day

False Apollo, male, no females seen by me today

larval web at ground level

Small Copper

Small Copper

Grecian Copper